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Procedures’ prices, cargo shipping, assembling components, instead of broken parts

Many breakages are specifically individual. We can put them into group, according to the signs of the problem. In most of the cases, every situation is different. This fact may decelerate the annunciation of the repair`s price. More accurate answer on the questions related to the repair we can give only after the diagnostic procedures. The amount of time, which will be spent by the qualified professional on the repair is forming the price of the procedure, what correlates to the price of repair for our clients

The price for reinstalling parts is also consistently varies. First, the regular modification of our products, which involves changing in the price of the product and its` components. Second, is a Russian Ruble Currency Trend, compare to the other currencies. As we noticed before, some of our components are imported from the USA, Europe and Asia. This is making us responsible for the other side of the business, which is operating in the different currency. However, the exchange rate from other currencies into the Russian Ruble can have a big influence on the final price

If the repair department found out that there is no correlation in between the client and breakage of the product, we will provide repair services as it would go under the warranty. In this case the breakage might be because of the mistakes during the manufacturing, assembling or other negative factors

The price of cargo shipment under the non-warranty program, diagnostic, modification of the product and so on will be calculated personally by the client or retailer of PRIDE`s products, depends on who told us about the problem and would like to receive repair services

Other questions related to the price of repair, which we didn`t notice here, can be asked through the written request. Send your e-mails with questions on

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