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Pride Heat shrink 2 Ga

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Pride Heathsrink for 2 Ga cables.

It is intended for restoration of damaged and creation of new insulation, sealing of surfaces and electrical connections of cables and wires, binding and marking of wires, for creation of anticorrosive protective and decorative coatings.

Made of material: polyolefin. It is very flexible, environmentally safe.
A unique property of heat shrinkable tubes is their ability to change their diameter, shrink as a result of heating and take the form of an object or material on which shrinkage is performed, for this it is enough to heat the tube to the required temperature, and then let it cool down.
The tube has the property of the fire, that is, it is not able to maintain combustion, in the absence of an open flame, it fades on its own and is unable to ignite.

It is recommended to carry out work on shrinkage of tubes with the help of special electric hair dryers and gas burners.

High flexibility, suppression of fire
Operating temperature: : -45℃ to 125℃
Shrinkage temperature: Start at +70°C and complete shrinkage at +125℃
Standard Colors: Black, Red
Complies with RoHS requirements

The price is for 1 meter

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