New winner – Pride Solo 3 size 6,5

Pride SOLO 3
Great news for everyone. After a long time of work on the modernization of the previous generation of Solo Series speakers, we were able to get excellent results. If we speak briefly, as far as possible, then the essence of the changes is below:
– new proprietary system for increasing the power of the Magnet System on the principle of “plug & play” , the time to upgrade the MS is less than 1 minute
– increase in power indicators ~15%
– an increase in the sensitivity index, which in the competitive framework gives an increase in a wide frequency range (200 Hz-10 kHz) of ~1 dB during the measurement of the ” average pressure curve»
– increasing the maximum temperature threshold of the Magnet System acoustics to 240C, without any changes in the final indicators
– slight reduction in the physical weight of the speakers
– unique ability to dose-select the presence/absence of peak rises in certain areas of the frequency response.
Solo v. 3-this is only in terms of the possibilities and our ideas for “online speaker transformation”, when the client wants it.
Now the product is balanced in price and cheaper than its brothers in the series. When you want to be as loud as possible – add our module – OverBoost.
It is schematically shown that within the framework of the classical variation of the Magnet System execution, the user can use the OVERBOOST module, which is extremely necessary for him in the framework of competitions and vice versa, which is impractical for those who follow the path of the”uniform frequency response curve”. The principle of operation is simple, we give the “width of the road” for these lines, which “always have little space”. We spend less resources on “preparatory work” to ensure the procurement process, less load on the metalworking fleet of machines and comprehensively save (including for you) without compromising the quality of the product. We increase the “power of the motor, through the prism of induction”, improve the characteristics of the heat sink and form a number of invisible “bonuses”.
P.S. “Copy-paste or copying” from China (and others like it) on the territory of the World is a violation of copyright. “Copypasters”, be more modest. There is a patent for this development.